Thursday 4 April 2019

Daftar objek wisata terbaru di Bali tahun 2019

objek wisata baru Bali
Objek wisata baru Bali

Kamu yang sudah sering berkunjung ke Bali tentu merasa bingung, wisata apa lagi yang belum anda ketahui, padahal anda merasa sudah banyak tempat wisata yang anda kunjungi di Bali. 

Bali memang tiada matinya dalam hal membangun dan mengembangkan objek wisata baru karena alam dan nuansa Bali sangat mendukung untuk hal tersebut. Bagi kamu yang belum pernah sama sekali ke Bali, bisa dicoba nih mengunjungi terlebih dahulu objek wisata baru yang ada di Bali.

Tentunya sebelum kamu liburan ke Bali, pasti mencari informasi tempat mana saja yang bagus untuk dikunjungi, daftar di bawah ini dapat menjadi referensi buat kamu yang mau liburan ke Bali di tahun 2019 ini.

Informasi sangat mudah didapatkan oleh pemburu tempat wisata untuk berlibur atau sekedar ber swafoto seiring pesatnya kemajuan teknologi dan maraknya penggunaan jejaring sosial seperti facebook, instagram, twitter dan lainnya serta tersedianya informasi di youtube dan google mengenai tempat wisata baru. 

Objek wisata Bali pada awalnya memang memang sudah ada karena bentukan alam sendiri dan campur tangan manusia karena dibalut oleh adat, budaya dan tradisi. Dipandang dapat mendatangkan keuntungan bagi negara maka dikembangkanlah objek wisata buatan sebagai pelengkap dan pemanis daya tarik Bali bagi wisatawan domestik maupun wisatawan mancanegara. 

Objek Wisata terbaru di Bali tahun 2019

Pada blog ini sudah disediakan beberapa objek wisata yang ada di Bali, mulai dari objek wisata alam, objek wisata buatan, objek wisata religi, objek wisata budaya dan objek wisata yang terletak di masing-masing kabupaten kota di Bali. Lantas objek wisata apa yang terbaru di tahun 2019 ini?

Ada sejumlah objek wisata di Bali kekinian, baru dikenal dan cukup hits walaupun keberadaanya sudah lama dan tidak baru lagi. Namun demikian ada juga yang terbaru dibandingkan tempat-tempat lainnya. Untuk melengkapi informasi tersebut, maka berikut diantaranya.

1. Taman Jinja Bali

Jika kamu menyukai hunting foto dengan pemandangan alam menakjubkan, dilengkapi dengan beberapa tempat foto selfie yang instagramable, maka objek wisata terbaru di Kabupaten karangasem yang di buka pada tanggal 14 Februari 2019 dengan lokasi yang dekat dengan Pura Besakih dapat memenuhi harapan kamu. Tempat tersebut bernama Taman Jinja Bali.  Berhubung lokasinya berdekatan dengan Pura Besakih sehingga memudahkan anda untuk mengemas paket tour. Pemandangan alam yang sangat mengesankan dilatar belakangi oleh Gunung Agung, pohon-pohon hijau, udara yang sejuk dapat membuat kamu jadi betah berlama-lama menikmati objek wisata ini.

Lokasi Taman Jinja Bali yang terletak di lereng gunung membuat udara menjadi sejuk, Jalan setapak bak tangga dengan pagar dan atap bambu 
berwarna merah terlihat eksotik berpadu cantik dengan suasana alam sekitarnya dengan suasana yang berkabut dapat membuat kamu seakan naik dan menuju negeri atas awan. Di sini ada juga ayunan, rumah bambu dan anjungan pada pohon sebagai tempat selfie. Pada saat sore hari anda juga bisa menyaksikan keindahan alam sunset.

2. Sunflower Garden di Tabanan

Ada yang baru nih di tahun 2019 di Marga Tabanan, objek wisata baru yang lokasinya berdekatan dengan objek wisata yang sudah sangat populer di Tabanan seperti Alas kedaton, Taman Ayun, dan objek wisata lainnya. Objek wisata ini berupa taman bunga matahari atau dikenal dengan nama Sunflower Garden. Dari sekian banyak objek wisata taman bunga yang ada, maka taman bunga matahari ini adalah yang terbaru, setelah sebelumnya ada taman bunga gemitir dan taman bunga kasna. Suasana alam yang sangat indah dan mendukung dan akan lebih menakjubkan saat-saat bunga matahari sudah mulai mekar dengan sempurna.

Sarana penunjang objek wisata ini adalah disediakan beberapa spot untuk ber swafoto, beberapa gazebo untuk bersantai menikmati pemandangan bunga matahari dan juga wahana bermain untuk anak-anak, tempat ini tentu menarik untuk dijadikan tempat wisata keluarga karena objek wisata ini cocok untuk segala jenis usia. Anak-anak akan semakin belajar dekat dengan alam jika diajak berwisata di tempat ini.

3. Wana Giri Agung Bali

Di Lereng Gunung Agung Desa Sebudi, Kecamatan Selat, kabupaten Karangasem tepatnya berjarak 1,5 kilometer sebelum Pura Pasar Agung terdapat salah satu objek wisata baru yang bernama Wana Giri Agung Bali, tempat ini tidak kalah menarik dari tempat wisata lainnya. Objek wisata ini dibuka sebagai alternatif saat ditutupnya pendakian ke Gunung Agung akibat seringnya Gunung Agung mengalami erupsi.  

Wana Giri Agung Bali, mulai gencar dipublikasikan pada November 2018 dengan lokasi yang berada di tengah hutan dengan cuaca yang sejuk dan suguhan pemandangan alam yang indah tentu akan terasa sangat menyenangkan, terdapat gazebo untuk bersantai dan melepaskan penat, sejumlah tempat untuk foto selfie instagramable seperti rumah pohon dan sejumlah anjungan, terdapat juga ayunan (swing) yang sekarang lagi trend dan juga sepeda gantung sebuah wahana rekreasi uji nyali yang patut anda coba.

4. Savana Tianyar Karangasem

Savana merupakan hamparan padang rumput yang sangat luas. Biasanya savana banyak terdapat di daerah Afrika sana, namun di Bali terdapat sebuah savana yang sangat mengesankan. Savana ini terletak di Bali Timur, tepatnya di desa Tianyar, Kecamatan Kubu, Kabupaten Karangasem. Latar belakang Gunung agung dan bukit Mangun membuat hamparan padang rumput ini menjadi semakin memukau. Jika anda ingin mengeksplorasi lebuh jauh anda bisa naik menapaki ratusan anak tangga menuju puncak bukit dan menyaksikan keindahan dari atas bukit. Di kawasan Savana Tianyar juga terkadang ada kuda yang merumput sehingga pesonanya menjadi lebih pas seperti berada di alam liar.

Saat musim panas atau musim kering, pemandangan savana semakin menakjubkan sehingga membuat Bali Rasa Afrika, rerumputan mengering dan berwarna cokelat kekuningan, didukung oleh adanya peternakan kuda di daerah ini. Tetapi juga tidak kalah menariknya jika anda datang saat musim hujan, savana Tianyar ini akan berwarna hijau. Sebuah tempat tempat cantik yang menjadi tujuan tour terbaru di wilayah Karangasem atau Bali Timur.

Monday 3 September 2018

Bali in the past - Reminiscent of changes and developments in Balinese history
Bali tempo Dulu

Bali- Bali is one of the provinces in the Republic of Indonesia with the other names being the Island of the Gods, Pulau Seribu Pura and Bali Dwipa. Bali has several small islands belonging to the province of Bali, including the island of Nusa Penida, the island of Nusa Lembongan, Ceningan Island, Serangan island, and Menjangan island.

Bali has 9 Regencies in the City including Denpasar City which is the Capital of Bali Province, Badung Regency, Gianyar Regency, Klungkung Regency, Bangli Regency, Karangasem Regency, Buleleng Regency, Tabanan Regency, and Jembrana Regency.

The history of the island of Bali is so much if told, from prehistoric times to historical times. Starting from a time when humans did not know the writing, entered the kingdom until the Dutch colonial era and Japan and the era of independence of the Republic of Indonesia where Bali consciously and voluntarily participated in recognizing Bali as part of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

Remembering Bali in the past is a very pleasant fantasy, it's amazing that we can see the changes and developments of Bali from the past until now.

Below is a book that describes Bali in the past, can be downloaded or read directly.

Bali's development will continue, moving linearly with time. Nothing is permanent other than change. The period of changing times, tradition also continues to grow in line with the development of globalization, but it does not mean that Balinese culture will just fade away. Remembering history is the way we learn to continue how we bring Bali in the future.

Sunday 2 September 2018

GWK- Garuda Wisnu Kencana
GWK- Garuda Wisnu Kencana

GWK- Maybe it's no stranger to you about the biggest statue in Bali. The statue that was built on a hill and takes a very long processing time. The statue is a statue of Lord Vishnu sitting on a Garuda bird. Vishnu is the manifestation of God with the function of preserving the universe and maintaining its balance.

This 121 meters high Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue (GWK) was built on an area of about 60 hectares in Ungasan Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. The discredited statue has a height exceeding the Statue of Liberty in America and takes up to 28 years in the process to complete it in August 2018 as a gift for the 73rd anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Indonesia. This statue was designed by a Balinese artist named I Nyoman Nuarta.

The Garuda Wisnu Kencana tourist attraction or often referred to as the  GWK Bali is one of the famous tourist attractions in Bali. Almost every day the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali Tourism Object is visited by tourists, both domestic tourists, and foreign tourists because of its beauty, gran, and fame. It is incomplete if visiting Bali does not visit the Garuda Wisnu Kencana Tourism Object or called GWK Bali.

To order tickets, you can visit the official website of GWK Bali below:

The completion of the statue of Lord Vishnu who was riding a Garuda Bird and called the Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) was officially opened by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Mr. Ir. Joko Widodo.

Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK) is often used as an art venue in Bali and entertainment events are held to attract tourists to visit it. Become a pride and identity or icon for the island of Bali so that its preservation should be maintained.

Location of Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK)

The Garuda Wisnu Kencana Statue (GWK) is located in Ungasan Village, South Kuta District, Badung Regency, Bali. From Jimbaran Village, head towards another direction about 1 kilometer.

For those of you who want to visit GWK can follow the map below as directions.

Friday 31 August 2018

5 Indonesian artists who choose to get married in Bali
Artis Indonesia yang menikah di Bali
source :

Bali - Some Indonesian artists choose the Island of the Gods as a place to start a new chapter in their lives by binding and saying the sacred promise as lively as they wished. Besides having a stunning view, they want their wedding to have a nuance that is unique to them in the hope that their marriage will last until death picks up.

This event is a very sacred and valuable as a form of joy and joy of two people and two united families that must be shared with everyone, but there are some artists who choose to invite some of their people and close relatives who are considered important in the event without reducing the meaning of his marriage.

Here are 5 artists married in Bali:

1. Chicco Jerikho and Putri Marino

The romance that had only begun for a few months did not prevent Chicco and Putri Marino from going to a more serious level. Their wedding was held at the Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua, on Saturday, March 3, enough to surprise fans.

The wedding program looks very intimate and is attended by family and closest friends of each bride. Some guests from celebrities who attended the wedding included, Rio Dewanto, Ridho Hafiedz, Baim Wong, Wulan Guritno, Atiqah Hasiholan, and guitarist Slank.

Some invited guests who could not resist crying drifted in the intimacy of the wedding that took place right when the sun began to set. The atmosphere becomes even more romantic with the beautiful view of the sunset in Bali.

It was seen in the video uploaded by Chicco on Instagram that they were so happy and very lively. It was so prepared and Bali became their port as a place to carve out a new history.

2. Dion Wiyoko and Fiona Anthony

A post shared by Dion Wiyoko (@dionwiyoko) on

After establishing a love story long enough in the dating process, Dion and Fiona are determined to go to a more serious level for the future of their relationship. They held their wedding blessing at the Church of Santo Fransiskus Xaverius, Denpasar, Bali on Friday, September 1, 2017. The blessing of the wedding began at 12.00 WITA.

Wedding dress suits make them look more handsome and beautiful. Dion, who wore a gray suit from designer Wong Hang, looked closely at Fiona, who at that time used a white wedding dress from the designer Hiantjen.

In a happy atmosphere, they shed their tensions because they enjoyed the procession of their marriage when they made a promise to live in front of the Altar and before the Pastor and all the people in attendance.

"I am Fransiskus Xaverius Dion Wiyoko accepts you Florencia Fiona Anthony being my wife. I promise to be faithful to devote myself to you in harmony and misfortune, in joy and sorrow, in health and illness. I want to love and respect you all my life," said Dion while holding Fiona's right hand.

A post shared by Dion Wiyoko (@dionwiyoko) on
They chose Sofitel Bali Nusa Dua as a reception venue after the wedding ceremony which was attended by 100 invited guests.

3. Derby Romero and Claudia

A post shared by Derby Romero (@derbyromero) on

Villa Ombak Biru, Badung, Bali became a historical place for Derby Romero and Claudia because on Saturday, October 14, 2017, they officially became a married couple. Wedding parties held on the seafront take place beautifully, romanticly and solemnly.

The wind and waves crashed into the couple's wedding party had been dating for 2 years. Their wedding program was also held closed and only attended by family and close relatives.

In the video uploaded by Derby on his personal Instagram, seen Derby using a black suit, holding his wife's hand while making a sacred promise.

They also carry a vintage concept at their wedding. Some of the celebrity guests who were present were Aming and Rossa.

4. Sammy Simorangkir and Viviane

The marriage between Sammy and Viviane was held at The Edge Uluwatu, Bali on Saturday, July 22, 2017. The blessing was held at 16.00 WITA before sunset.

The wedding party with the theme of classic elegant and outdoor concept was held in a closed manner. The second place binds the sacred promise dominated by white complete with the open sea as a sight.
Ivan Gunawan made Viviane's wedding dress making Viviane look beautiful with her wedding dress and Sammy used a white suit made from the Fashion House of Brutus.

The wedding was not attended by many guests to be more sacred. They only invited 100 family members and close relatives to be witnesses when they made a faithful pledge of all life.

5. Samuel Zylgwyn and Franda

On Monday, 8 August 2016 at Ayana Resort and Spa Bali Samuel and Franda were legally married. The wedding event took place solemnly and romantically.

A sense of nervousness arises for Samuel when he will make a blessing, but he can overcome it considering the event must go well and is a historic and sacred event for him.

The light blue suit worn by Samuel made him appear brighter and bolder. While the white dress worn by Franda adds to its natural beauty and fits right with Samuel. The wedding procession is made quite private because it is attended by the family

Bali has an extraordinary appeal for everyone, so many public celebrities who want to visit Bali even want to carve out their life history in Bali. Not only homeland celebrities often visit Bali, but World celebrities also often vacation in Bali and even hold their weddings in Bali.

Thursday 30 August 2018

Natural beauty impresses Crystal Bay in Nusa Penida
Crystal Bay Nusa Penida

Crystal Bay Nusa Penida- Talking about natural beauty is so impressive, because with nature we can enjoy the beauty of the world. The hustle and bustle make our brains become increasingly tired. Activities to eliminate these fatigue, vacation guys ... :)

The most favorite vacation spots in Indonesia are of course in Bali. Bali ... yaps...

heard his name already imagined how much beauty and uniqueness that existed on the Island of the Gods.

A million beauties owned by Bali make all travelers always want to visit. With a natural appeal with the beauty of the beach, hills and culture make a strong trap for all domestic and foreign tourists. Many vacation spots in Bali, but for those of you who are on vacation, you must visit Nusa Penida.

Nusa Penida is located in Klungkung Regency is one of the 3 Nusa owned by Bali after Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. Nusa Penida Island has an area of 202 hectares.

Talking about natural beauty is so impressive, because with nature we can enjoy the beauty of the world. The hustle and bustle makes our brains become increasingly tired. Activities to eliminate these fatigue, vacation guys ... :)

The most favorite vacation spots in Indonesia are of course in Bali. Bali ... yaps ..

heard his name already imagined how much beauty and uniqueness that existed on the Island of the Gods.

A million beauties owned by Bali make all travelers always want to visit. With a natural appeal with the beauty of the beach, hills and culture makes a strong trap for all domestic and foreign tourists. Many vacation spots in Bali, but for those of you who are on vacation, you must visit Nusa Penida.

Nusa Penida is located in Klungkung Regency is one of the 3 nusa owned by Bali after Nusa Lembongan and Nusa Ceningan. Nusa Penida Island has an area of ​​202 hectares.

The scenery in Nusa Penida is as impressive as the scenery at other tourist attractions in Bali. Having a beach with clear sea water and is a great place for snorkeling and scuba diving are things that make this beach visited by many tourists. This beach is named Crystal Bay Nusa Penida.

Because it has clear sea water so that the underwater beauty is clearly and amazingly seen, tourists visiting this place approach it with Crystal Bay. Beachside salvation is supported by the many coconut trees that make this beach look very natural, beautiful and beautiful.

Being a paradise for tourists who come here for snorkeling and scuba diving because they will be very satisfied to be in this place. A variety of colorful fish hide behind the beauty of coral reefs that are still preserved.

Not only has a beautiful underwater view, but this beach also has impressive land views with beautiful and wide sand, and is surrounded by small green hills and small atolls.

Visit Crystal Bay Nusa Penida, tourists will be able to feel a very calm atmosphere. There are also interesting spots to be able to witness the beauty of nature in Crystal Bay. To get there, there are hundreds of steps that must be passed.

But after climbing the stairs, you will be able to watch the Crytal Bay view in full. Starting from the existence of atolls, temples that are not far from the beach area and the presence of Nusa Lembongan and Ceningan Islands can also be witnessed.

Being in Nusa Penida is not only in Raja Ampat Papua, with clear sea water, there are also small islands. No doubt Nusa Penida got the nickname Raja Ampat in Bali.

Location of Crystal Bay Nusa Penida

Crystal Bay Nusa Penida is located about 15 Kilometers or less, around 20 minutes from the Port of Nusa Penida is a beautiful beach located in Penida Bay. This beach is precisely located in Banjar Penida and is part of the Sakti Village area.

How to get to Crystal Bay Nusa Penida

To get to the location of Crystal Bay Nusa Penida is quite easy. First, of course, the traveler must go towards the Port of Nusa Penida. From there, the trip can continue the journey to Toya Pakeh.

Later, there will be a climbing route to Sebunibus that must be passed. When you arrive at the Sakti T-junction, a traveler can choose to turn right, to the Banjar Sakti. From here, the trip was already quite easy and later it will be seen clearly Crystal Bay with its fast waves.

Wednesday 22 August 2018

Kerobokan Beach, Offers Health Therapy Tour with Black Sand
Terapi Pasir Hitam di Desa Kerobokan
Pantai Kerobokan- Kerobokan Village is a village located in North Bali, precisely in Sawan District. Kerobokan village continues to improve its tourism, the new potential of Kerobokan Beach is the excess sand beaches that can be used as a health therapy. Starting from most people who come to just hoard their feet while enjoying the beauty of Kerobokan Beach, but there are other benefits obtained after hoarding the legs. Moving on from that, many people from outside the Kerobokan area want to try to hoard their feet and bodies to get healthy or restore health.

Kerobokan Beach was visited by a team from the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Udayana University (UNUD). The team observed and took black sand samples on the beach as research data. As a result, black sand along the coast of North Bali can be used as a health therapy.

The UNUD LPPM team noted black sand in North Bali can produce heat with a certain temperature. This heat can be used as 
a health therapy. One of them, the research was carried out on the coast of Kerobokan Village, Sawan District, Buleleng, in 2017.

From the results of the study, it is known, with the heat of sand between 45 degrees to 50 degrees can be used as a 
healthy alternative. The opportunity can be done starting at 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., with a maximum depth of sand excavation of 50 centimeters.

The time period needed is not too long, only lasts for 15 minutes. Then the recovery period after rising from the sand pile needs 5 minutes. The research indeed continues, until it is known with certainty what diseases can be cured with black sand therapy. But empirically, residents have been accustomed to using black sand for health therapy.

The research indeed continues, until it is known with certainty what diseases can be cured with black sand therapy. But empirically, residents have been accustomed to using black sand for health therapy. The Head of the Buleleng Tourism Office through a social media account is now starting to introduce Kerobokan Beach with one special attraction, namely health therapy with black sand. The research is more convincing the potential of Kerobokan Beach. For people who intend to visit Kerobokan Beach can get the double benefit of seeing the beauty of the beach while getting health by hoarding feet in the sand If you want to visit Kerobokan Beach, see the map below: