Wednesday 22 August 2018

Kerobokan Beach, Offers Health Therapy Tour with Black Sand
Terapi Pasir Hitam di Desa Kerobokan
Pantai Kerobokan- Kerobokan Village is a village located in North Bali, precisely in Sawan District. Kerobokan village continues to improve its tourism, the new potential of Kerobokan Beach is the excess sand beaches that can be used as a health therapy. Starting from most people who come to just hoard their feet while enjoying the beauty of Kerobokan Beach, but there are other benefits obtained after hoarding the legs. Moving on from that, many people from outside the Kerobokan area want to try to hoard their feet and bodies to get healthy or restore health.

Kerobokan Beach was visited by a team from the Research and Community Service Institute (LPPM) of Udayana University (UNUD). The team observed and took black sand samples on the beach as research data. As a result, black sand along the coast of North Bali can be used as a health therapy.

The UNUD LPPM team noted black sand in North Bali can produce heat with a certain temperature. This heat can be used as 
a health therapy. One of them, the research was carried out on the coast of Kerobokan Village, Sawan District, Buleleng, in 2017.

From the results of the study, it is known, with the heat of sand between 45 degrees to 50 degrees can be used as a 
healthy alternative. The opportunity can be done starting at 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m., with a maximum depth of sand excavation of 50 centimeters.

The time period needed is not too long, only lasts for 15 minutes. Then the recovery period after rising from the sand pile needs 5 minutes. The research indeed continues, until it is known with certainty what diseases can be cured with black sand therapy. But empirically, residents have been accustomed to using black sand for health therapy.

The research indeed continues, until it is known with certainty what diseases can be cured with black sand therapy. But empirically, residents have been accustomed to using black sand for health therapy. The Head of the Buleleng Tourism Office through a social media account is now starting to introduce Kerobokan Beach with one special attraction, namely health therapy with black sand. The research is more convincing the potential of Kerobokan Beach. For people who intend to visit Kerobokan Beach can get the double benefit of seeing the beauty of the beach while getting health by hoarding feet in the sand If you want to visit Kerobokan Beach, see the map below:

